#disclosure rules

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Above the Law
1 month ago

Supreme Court Justices Aren't The Only Ones Failing To Report Lavish Trips

Dozens of federal judges failed to disclose luxury travel, highlighting a lack of transparency and potential conflicts of interest. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

SEC Cyber Rules Loom Over Public Companies

Security chiefs and corporate lawyers are grappling with how much information to disclose about cyberattacks under new SEC rules.
Companies will now be required to disclose how they manage cyber risk, assess threats and protections, and describe potential effects of an attack in annual reports. [ more ]
Above the Law
1 month ago

Supreme Court Justices Aren't The Only Ones Failing To Report Lavish Trips

Dozens of federal judges failed to disclose luxury travel, highlighting a lack of transparency and potential conflicts of interest. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

SEC Cyber Rules Loom Over Public Companies

Security chiefs and corporate lawyers are grappling with how much information to disclose about cyberattacks under new SEC rules.
Companies will now be required to disclose how they manage cyber risk, assess threats and protections, and describe potential effects of an attack in annual reports. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Securities and Exchange Commission Cyber Disclosure Rules: How to Prepare for December Deadlines

Publicly-traded companies must report material cyber threats to the SEC starting Dec. 18.
Deloitte offers tips on how business leaders can prepare for the new disclosure rules. [ more ]
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